In "Mobile Suit Gundam UC," the Jesta Cannon, a heavy equipment MS with enhanced firearm control capabilities, is being released as a 1/100 scale Master Grade series model kit.
Featuring distinctive armaments and additional armor associated with its heavy equipment upgrade, various parts are reproduced with new molds!
- Thorough reproduction of additional armaments such as the Beam Cannon! - The mid-range support Beam Cannon and the 4-barrel Multi-Launcher feature adjustable angles for dynamic scene recreation. - The Beam Rifle comes with detachable new mold expansion equipment such as Grenade Launchers. - The 3-barrel Grenade Launcher added along with leg additional armor features opening and closing gimmicks. - Each additional armament is detachable.
- Reproduction of distinctive body shapes such as additional armor with new molds! - The additional armor on the chest, shoulders, waist front armor, left arm, and leg parts are reproduced with new molds.
- Water transfer decals included! - Newly designed markings including caution marks are included as water transfer decals.
- Parts swapping allows for the removal of some additional armor and the attachment of the shield.
Included armaments: Beam Cannon / 4-barrel Multi-Launcher / Beam Rifle / Beam Saber / Vulcan Pod System / Hand Grenades / Shield
1/100 scale assembly plastic model kit Target age: 15 years and older Product material: PS, PE, ABS, PP - No adhesive is required for assembly.
*This item requires 7–10 days to prepare before it is shipped.
In "Mobile Suit Gundam UC," the Jesta Cannon, a heavy equipment MS with enhanced firearm control capabilities, is being released as a 1/100 scale Master Grade series model kit.
Featuring distinctive armaments and additional armor associated with its heavy equipment upgrade, various parts are reproduced with new molds!
- Thorough reproduction of additional armaments such as the Beam Cannon! - The mid-range support Beam Cannon and the 4-barrel Multi-Launcher feature adjustable angles for dynamic scene recreation. - The Beam Rifle comes with detachable new mold expansion equipment such as Grenade Launchers. - The 3-barrel Grenade Launcher added along with leg additional armor features opening and closing gimmicks. - Each additional armament is detachable.
- Reproduction of distinctive body shapes such as additional armor with new molds! - The additional armor on the chest, shoulders, waist front armor, left arm, and leg parts are reproduced with new molds.
- Water transfer decals included! - Newly designed markings including caution marks are included as water transfer decals.
- Parts swapping allows for the removal of some additional armor and the attachment of the shield.
Included armaments: Beam Cannon / 4-barrel Multi-Launcher / Beam Rifle / Beam Saber / Vulcan Pod System / Hand Grenades / Shield
1/100 scale assembly plastic model kit Target age: 15 years and older Product material: PS, PE, ABS, PP - No adhesive is required for assembly.
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