XXXG-01W Wing Gundam (also referred to as Gundam Zero-One) is one of the five fictional Gundam mobile suits appearing in the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing anime series. It is one of the five Gundam mobile suits derived from the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero, with both suits created by Doctor J. Wing Gundam is capable of flight; transforming into fighter aircraft mode (or "bird mode"). The original Wing Gundam was designed in 1995 by Kunio Okawara, along with many of the other mobile suits in the anime. The five 'second-stage' Gundams were later redesigned by Hajime Katoki for the 1997 OVA Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. As the new designs became canonical, Katoki also created retcon designs for the original five Gundams, which were published in Newtype magazine. [1]
Wing Gundam is one of the five mobile suits sent to Earth as part of Operation Meteor; a plan whereby rebels would be able to weaken the controlling influence the United Earth Sphere Alliance and the Organization of the Zodiac held over the orbital colonies. Wing Gundam was launched from the cluster of orbital colonies located at the L1 Lagrange point, and was piloted by Heero Yuy. Wing Gundam was the mobile suit used by the main character for episodes 1-17 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, after which Heero abandons the suit, allowing him to return to space. Unpn Heero's return to Earth, Heero resumes piloting the Wing Gundam until it is destroyed (Episodes 31-33). After this, Heero pilots Epyon, and later Wing Zero throughout the rest of the series. Wing Gundam is destroyed on three occasions in the anime series. First, it is self-detonated in episode 10, after which Zechs Merquise rebuilds the suit. It is again destroyed in episode 33, following a heavy battle. Lady Une recovers the remains and rebuilds the suit, before using it herself to save Treize Khushrenada in episode 46.
*This item requires 7–10 days to prepare before it is shipped.
XXXG-01W Wing Gundam (also referred to as Gundam Zero-One) is one of the five fictional Gundam mobile suits appearing in the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing anime series. It is one of the five Gundam mobile suits derived from the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero, with both suits created by Doctor J. Wing Gundam is capable of flight; transforming into fighter aircraft mode (or "bird mode"). The original Wing Gundam was designed in 1995 by Kunio Okawara, along with many of the other mobile suits in the anime. The five 'second-stage' Gundams were later redesigned by Hajime Katoki for the 1997 OVA Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. As the new designs became canonical, Katoki also created retcon designs for the original five Gundams, which were published in Newtype magazine. [1]
Wing Gundam is one of the five mobile suits sent to Earth as part of Operation Meteor; a plan whereby rebels would be able to weaken the controlling influence the United Earth Sphere Alliance and the Organization of the Zodiac held over the orbital colonies. Wing Gundam was launched from the cluster of orbital colonies located at the L1 Lagrange point, and was piloted by Heero Yuy. Wing Gundam was the mobile suit used by the main character for episodes 1-17 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, after which Heero abandons the suit, allowing him to return to space. Unpn Heero's return to Earth, Heero resumes piloting the Wing Gundam until it is destroyed (Episodes 31-33). After this, Heero pilots Epyon, and later Wing Zero throughout the rest of the series. Wing Gundam is destroyed on three occasions in the anime series. First, it is self-detonated in episode 10, after which Zechs Merquise rebuilds the suit. It is again destroyed in episode 33, following a heavy battle. Lady Une recovers the remains and rebuilds the suit, before using it herself to save Treize Khushrenada in episode 46.
【Product content】●Assemble color model‧MIORINE REMBRAN※This product does not contain chewing gum
Zuleta Mercury wearing Gundam Caliban appears in the "CHARAMOBI" series of three-dimensional mechanical dolls! Lovely presented to you!
【Product content】●Assemble color model‧Suletta Mercury (Caliban)※This product does not contain chewing gum
PRODUCT OVERVIEW Elrict wearing the modified version of Wind Spirit Gundam appears in the "CHARAMOBI" series! Comes with a dedicated base and a cute design that will make you want to play with Zuleta! 【Product...
PRODUCT OVERVIEW The Actaeon Project was a project to customize the five mobile suit from the initial GAT-X Series for ace pilots. This set includes Strike Gundam (restored), which was used as the base mobile...
PRODUCT OVERVIEW To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the broadcast of Reconguista in G, G-Self (Perfect Pack) is now available in Metal Robot Spirits! Parts have been recreated in minute detail, including the design of...
---------------------------------------- — Eleanor Satellite Link System Activation — ---------------------------------------- From "A.O.Z RE-BOOT Gundam Inle - The Dream Seen by the Black Rabbit", we present the "Barzam II" in the HG series! The red "Legion Specification"...
The crimson Gundam F90, a prototype mobile suit, was stolen and modified by the Mars Independent Zeon Army, becoming the red Gundam F90 (Mars Independent Zeon Army version) and making its first appearance in the...
Here's a great set that includes snap-fit plastic kits of GN Arms Type E and Gundam Exia in Transam mode! Just when the Celestial Being's Mobile Suits were about to be annihilated by the new...
- Appeared to manipulate the Arche Gundam is awaited Sir Ali Al Shesu!- Shielded spraying particle morphology only GN, a small wing motion reproduction.- Detachable backpack and back to reproduce the form of solo flight...