In the "Gundam Seed Stargazer" Original Net Animation series, the Strike Noir Gundam mobile suit, piloted by Sven Cal Bayan, has become a fan favorite and is now available as a Master Grade model. Featuring intricate mechanisms and a highly articulated inner frame, the Strike Noir Gundam can achieve its iconic action poses with ease. The model comes loaded with an arsenal of weapons, including the Noir Striker unit, three beam rifles, and two "Fragarach 3" beam blades, as well as two anchor cables. Additionally, four sets of optional hands are included, along with decals for custom detailing. Additional decals can be purchased separately through the link below.
*This item requires 7–10 days to prepare before it is shipped.
In the "Gundam Seed Stargazer" Original Net Animation series, the Strike Noir Gundam mobile suit, piloted by Sven Cal Bayan, has become a fan favorite and is now available as a Master Grade model. Featuring intricate mechanisms and a highly articulated inner frame, the Strike Noir Gundam can achieve its iconic action poses with ease. The model comes loaded with an arsenal of weapons, including the Noir Striker unit, three beam rifles, and two "Fragarach 3" beam blades, as well as two anchor cables. Additionally, four sets of optional hands are included, along with decals for custom detailing. Additional decals can be purchased separately through the link below.
HG Scopedog Series Add-On Set Now Available!(Each item sold separately) ※ The base "HG Scopedog" kit is required for use with this product (sold separately). The Journey of Revenge Comes to an End Enhance your...
【Product content】●Assemble color model‧MIORINE REMBRAN※This product does not contain chewing gum
Zuleta Mercury wearing Gundam Caliban appears in the "CHARAMOBI" series of three-dimensional mechanical dolls! Lovely presented to you!
【Product content】●Assemble color model‧Suletta Mercury (Caliban)※This product does not contain chewing gum
PRODUCT OVERVIEW Elrict wearing the modified version of Wind Spirit Gundam appears in the "CHARAMOBI" series! Comes with a dedicated base and a cute design that will make you want to play with Zuleta! 【Product...
From "ADVANCE OF Z ~Under the Flag of Titans~", Gundam TR-1 [Hazel 2] Early Type is now available in the MG series! Each part that characterizes the unit is reproduced with new molding! Furthermore, the...
The Master Grade Rick-Dias has been hugely popular, and here's its fantastic follow-up: the red version piloted by not-quite-incognito Char Aznable -- er, we mean, Quattro Vageena! Beautifully molded in full color and with snap-fit...
Gundam Barbatos appears from the new dimension SD high-end brand "MGSD" that integrates MG technology into the frame of SD Gundam!■Overall height about 115mm. The "Gundam Frame", which is a feature of Gundam Barbatos, is...