――――――――――――――――――――A Composite Type with the Abilities of Three "G" UnitsBoost Raider Gundam―――――――――――――――――――― From the official side story manga "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED ECLIPSE," the MS "Boost Raider Gundam," developed by the Atlantic Federation, is brought...
MG Eclipse Gundam: Bringing the Second Unit to Life From the official spin-off manga "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED ECLIPSE," the Eclipse Gundam Second Unit has been recreated in 1/100 scale. The distinctive black and red...
The 1/100 Eclipse Gundam model kit is a non-grade kit produced by Bandai. It is based on the Gundam Eclipse from the manga "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Eclipse" and features a unique design with a...
PRODUCT OVERVIEW Action base is sold separately *Ms. The body is not included Set content: Raijin striker pack set / Water transfer type decal / Display base ----------------------------------- 1/100 scale assembly plastic model ・No adhesives...
** Action base is sold separately
1/100 scale assembly plastic model
・No adhesives required for assembly
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The MSN-04FF Sazabi is a mobile suit that debuted in a special video shown during the unveiling of the life-size RX-93ff ν Gundam statue in Fukuoka. Like the RX-93ff ν Gundam, it is based on...
"Advanced Hazel, update complete"Deploying in Master Grade!!A fully refurbished version of Hazel Unit 2 deployed to the T3 unit1/100 scale Master Grade model Gundam TR-1 [Advanced Hazel] From "ADVANCE OF Z ~Under the Flag of...
PRODUCT OVERVIEW RX-121-3C Gundam TR-1 [Haze’n-thley] is now available from Metal Robot Spirits. We have included plenty of weapons as accessories such as the large composite shield booster, beam rifle, and beam saber. The sub...
The crimson Gundam F90, a prototype mobile suit, was stolen and modified by the Mars Independent Zeon Army, becoming the red Gundam F90 (Mars Independent Zeon Army version) and making its first appearance in the...
Here's a great set that includes snap-fit plastic kits of GN Arms Type E and Gundam Exia in Transam mode! Just when the Celestial Being's Mobile Suits were about to be annihilated by the new...
- Appeared to manipulate the Arche Gundam is awaited Sir Ali Al Shesu!- Shielded spraying particle morphology only GN, a small wing motion reproduction.- Detachable backpack and back to reproduce the form of solo flight...
Initiating Operations from the Bridge From Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, the predecessor to the Dilanza, Désolateur, joins the HG Series as a completely new model!Packed with versatile equipment, it faithfully recreates the...
The Legendary Gundam ManiacDaryl Guns, a Name Known Far and Wide! Straight out of the comic "Double Fake: Under the Gundam", the work-use mobile suit "D Gundam First" makes its debut as a Gunpla!A masterpiece featuring...
Mr. Color is a renowned brand of model paint, celebrated globally by hobbyists for its superior finishing quality. The Gundam Color series elevates your Gundam model-building experience by offering high-quality paints meticulously calibrated to match...