XXXG-01W Wing Gundam (also referred to as Gundam Zero-One) is one of the five fictional Gundam mobile suits appearing in the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing anime series. It is one of the five Gundam mobile suits derived from the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero, with both suits created by Doctor J. Wing Gundam is capable of flight; transforming into fighter aircraft mode (or "bird mode"). The original Wing Gundam was designed in 1995 by Kunio Okawara, along with many of the other mobile suits in the anime. The five 'second-stage' Gundams were later redesigned by Hajime Katoki for the 1997 OVA Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. As the new designs became canonical, Katoki also created retcon designs for the original five Gundams, which were published in Newtype magazine. [1]
Wing Gundam is one of the five mobile suits sent to Earth as part of Operation Meteor; a plan whereby rebels would be able to weaken the controlling influence the United Earth Sphere Alliance and the Organization of the Zodiac held over the orbital colonies. Wing Gundam was launched from the cluster of orbital colonies located at the L1 Lagrange point, and was piloted by Heero Yuy. Wing Gundam was the mobile suit used by the main character for episodes 1-17 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, after which Heero abandons the suit, allowing him to return to space. Unpn Heero's return to Earth, Heero resumes piloting the Wing Gundam until it is destroyed (Episodes 31-33). After this, Heero pilots Epyon, and later Wing Zero throughout the rest of the series. Wing Gundam is destroyed on three occasions in the anime series. First, it is self-detonated in episode 10, after which Zechs Merquise rebuilds the suit. It is again destroyed in episode 33, following a heavy battle. Lady Une recovers the remains and rebuilds the suit, before using it herself to save Treize Khushrenada in episode 46.
XXXG-01W Wing Gundam (also referred to as Gundam Zero-One) is one of the five fictional Gundam mobile suits appearing in the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing anime series. It is one of the five Gundam mobile suits derived from the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero, with both suits created by Doctor J. Wing Gundam is capable of flight; transforming into fighter aircraft mode (or "bird mode"). The original Wing Gundam was designed in 1995 by Kunio Okawara, along with many of the other mobile suits in the anime. The five 'second-stage' Gundams were later redesigned by Hajime Katoki for the 1997 OVA Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. As the new designs became canonical, Katoki also created retcon designs for the original five Gundams, which were published in Newtype magazine. [1]
Wing Gundam is one of the five mobile suits sent to Earth as part of Operation Meteor; a plan whereby rebels would be able to weaken the controlling influence the United Earth Sphere Alliance and the Organization of the Zodiac held over the orbital colonies. Wing Gundam was launched from the cluster of orbital colonies located at the L1 Lagrange point, and was piloted by Heero Yuy. Wing Gundam was the mobile suit used by the main character for episodes 1-17 Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, after which Heero abandons the suit, allowing him to return to space. Unpn Heero's return to Earth, Heero resumes piloting the Wing Gundam until it is destroyed (Episodes 31-33). After this, Heero pilots Epyon, and later Wing Zero throughout the rest of the series. Wing Gundam is destroyed on three occasions in the anime series. First, it is self-detonated in episode 10, after which Zechs Merquise rebuilds the suit. It is again destroyed in episode 33, following a heavy battle. Lady Une recovers the remains and rebuilds the suit, before using it herself to save Treize Khushrenada in episode 46.
Gundam Marker ink drawing brush pen is the ultimate marker for ink drawing the finer engraved lines. It has a brush type pen point, so you can paint any detailed engraved parts. Furthermore, special...
A new color will appear in the [Gundam Marker EX] series that enables higher-grade color expression.We have prepared two types of gold, white gold and yellow yellow gold, which are high-brightness paints unique to the...
A new color will Ain the [Gundam Marker EX] series that enables higher-grade color expression.We have prepared two types of gold, white gold and yellow yellow gold, which are high-brightness paints unique to the EX...
A limited edition item from Gundam Base, the official Gunpla facility for Gunpla fans around the world."MGSD Freedom Gundam" now available in clear color!■The molding color has been changed to a clear color that makes...
The Hobby Hi-Zack, an MS sold to civilians by the military and modified for sports competitions, has been turned into a 1/144 scale model as the "A.O.Z RE-BOOT" version!It will be pre-sold at "GUNDAM SIDE-F".■We...
The GSI Creos GM404 Real Touch Red 1 Marker is a premium tool designed to provide realistic and detailed red accents to your models. This marker features a specialized ink formula that mimics the look...
This is an epoch-making paint that can be used for both brush painting and air brush painting. Drying speed is faster than with the existing water based hobby colors, so work efficiency is improved dramatically....
Gaia Paints or Gaianotes are lacquer based paints that are popularized by modelers in Japan. Each normal sized paint comes in 15ml bottle or 50 ml bottle for EX series. Try these colors and see...
A limited edition item from Gundam Base, the official Gunpla facility for Gunpla fans around the world."MGSD Freedom Gundam" now available in clear color!■The molding color has been changed to a clear color that makes...
Bandai has finally answered the cries of Gundam fans worldwide for an MG kit of F91! This incredibly detailed and beautiful kit of Gundam F91 from the Mobile Suit Gundam F91 anime movie is stunningly reproduced in...
RODUCT OVERVIEW Hajime Katoki has worked with the Ka signature brand on the specification to produce this Z Plus that you can switch to the Type A and Type C! Simply replace the parts to...
The Best Mecha Collection RX-78-2 Gundam is packed with technology that has evolved over the years, in a retro form. Now available as a revival product after more than 40 years! ■While retaining the original...
From "Mobile Suit Gundam UC," the Zaku II Kai B Type, which participated in the assault on Torrington Base, is being released in the HGUC series!The Zaku Bazooka used in the film is newly included!...
Bandai's Perfect Grade Zaku is an ideal companion to the previously released Perfect Grade RX-78. While the Zaku may not feature as many gimmicks as the Gundam, it offers a range of exciting features. These...