The HGUC 1/144 AMX-123X-X Moon Gundam is a highly detailed and articulated model kit of a Mobile Suit that appeared in the manga series "Mobile Suit Moon Gundam" by designer Hajime Katoki. This unique and mysterious Gundam has a distinct and striking design, with a dark blue and black color scheme, and is equipped with an array of powerful weapons and thrusters that give it exceptional mobility and agility.
The model kit features an intricate and detailed construction, with parts that are molded in multiple colors, including metallic silver, clear blue, and transparent orange. The Moon Gundam is also highly poseable, with articulation in its arms, legs, waist, and head, allowing you to recreate a wide range of dynamic and action-packed poses.
The kit comes with a number of accessories, including a large and imposing beam rifle, a beam saber, a shield, and a set of interchangeable hands. The Moon Gundam's unique and menacing appearance is further enhanced by the inclusion of a set of water-slide decals that allow you to customize its markings and add extra detail to your finished model.
The HGUC 1/144 AMX-123X-X Moon Gundam is a highly detailed and articulated model kit of a Mobile Suit that appeared in the manga series "Mobile Suit Moon Gundam" by designer Hajime Katoki. This unique and mysterious Gundam has a distinct and striking design, with a dark blue and black color scheme, and is equipped with an array of powerful weapons and thrusters that give it exceptional mobility and agility.
The model kit features an intricate and detailed construction, with parts that are molded in multiple colors, including metallic silver, clear blue, and transparent orange. The Moon Gundam is also highly poseable, with articulation in its arms, legs, waist, and head, allowing you to recreate a wide range of dynamic and action-packed poses.
The kit comes with a number of accessories, including a large and imposing beam rifle, a beam saber, a shield, and a set of interchangeable hands. The Moon Gundam's unique and menacing appearance is further enhanced by the inclusion of a set of water-slide decals that allow you to customize its markings and add extra detail to your finished model.
Gundam Marker ink drawing brush pen is the ultimate marker for ink drawing the finer engraved lines. It has a brush type pen point, so you can paint any detailed engraved parts. Furthermore, special...
A new color will appear in the [Gundam Marker EX] series that enables higher-grade color expression.We have prepared two types of gold, white gold and yellow yellow gold, which are high-brightness paints unique to the...
A new color will Ain the [Gundam Marker EX] series that enables higher-grade color expression.We have prepared two types of gold, white gold and yellow yellow gold, which are high-brightness paints unique to the EX...
The Hobby Hi-Zack, an MS sold to civilians by the military and modified for sports competitions, has been turned into a 1/144 scale model as the "A.O.Z RE-BOOT" version!It will be pre-sold at "GUNDAM SIDE-F".■We...
The GSI Creos GM404 Real Touch Red 1 Marker is a premium tool designed to provide realistic and detailed red accents to your models. This marker features a specialized ink formula that mimics the look...
This is an epoch-making paint that can be used for both brush painting and air brush painting. Drying speed is faster than with the existing water based hobby colors, so work efficiency is improved dramatically....
Gaia Paints or Gaianotes are lacquer based paints that are popularized by modelers in Japan. Each normal sized paint comes in 15ml bottle or 50 ml bottle for EX series. Try these colors and see...
Gaia Paints or Gaianotes are lacquer based paints that are popularized by modelers in Japan. Each normal sized paint comes in 15ml bottle or 50 ml bottle for EX series. Try these colors and see...
The Best Mecha Collection RX-78-2 Gundam is packed with technology that has evolved over the years, in a retro form. Now available as a revival product after more than 40 years! ■While retaining the original...
PRODUCT OVERVIEW Gundam Development Test Unit 0 Code Name: ENGAGE ZERO From the simulation app "Mobile Suit Gundam UC ENGAGE," which brings together various works of the Gundam franchise, Anaheim Electronics developed a prototype mobile...
From "Mobile Suit Gundam UC," the Zaku II Kai B Type, which participated in the assault on Torrington Base, is being released in the HGUC series!The Zaku Bazooka used in the film is newly included!...
Bandai's Perfect Grade Zaku is an ideal companion to the previously released Perfect Grade RX-78. While the Zaku may not feature as many gimmicks as the Gundam, it offers a range of exciting features. These...