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+852 5313 9795

Runner, the main constituents of Gunpla, are many in one Gunpla box, whatever MG, PG, HGUC etc.... Model makers need to take parts out from the runners in order to finish a great Gundam. Thus model makers know them very well to assemble Gundams.

Runner now turns out to be a cute mascot in GKgundamkit. It knows, GK sells lots of Gunpla and easy to meet its friends "Runners" here. Every GK staffs like Runner very much. It helps them a lot, such as, helps to promote GK in Internet, answer customer enquiries and find Gunpla news. Besides, Runner meet many new friends from new Gunpla boxes. With all that above, Runner wants to stay and help.

Start from now, Runner would be GK’s famous star. If you want to make friends with it, please pay attention with our news. Runner would sometimes give you surprise.