"Gundam Epyon" from "New Mobile Report Gundam Wing" is commercialized as a completely new RG model! Equipped with a new movable gimmick optimized to swing the beam sword powerfully and naturally! Adopted RG original arrangement with pterosaur motif!
■The torso can swing on 2 + 1 axes, and the abdomen can be expanded forward to improve compatibility when bending forward. ■We adopt lock mechanism to hip joint. Both deformation and movement are compatible, and it is possible to swing robustly and widely. ■ A wide range of expressions can be added to poses with the movable axis added to the upper part of the wrist and the movable forearm roll. ■Shoulder armor deploys, allowing you to raise your arms while keeping your shoulders in position. It also supports powerful poses that raise the beam sword with both hands. ■Blade follows the movement of the knee and does not interfere with natural kneeling. ■The wing parts are linked with the movement of the wings. The height of the wings can be adjusted by moving the base shaft. ■In MA mode, the corners and mouth can be opened to express facial expressions. ■ A pull-out ball movement is built into the shin to realize the movement of the neck. The movable axis of the thigh creates a flexible neck movement like a pterosaur. ■Advanced MS joint is adopted for the heat rod. Realizes a sharp form like a sword and flexible movement that draws a spiral. ■The cable that connects the beam sword and the mount latch uses a lead wire.
【accessories】 ■ Beam sword × 1 ■ Beam sword holder × 1 ■ Shield x 1 ■ Heat rod × 1 ■ Hand parts × 1 formula ■ Display joint x 2 types (for MS/MA) ■ Lead wire x 1 ■ Realistic decal × 1
"Gundam Epyon" from "New Mobile Report Gundam Wing" is commercialized as a completely new RG model! Equipped with a new movable gimmick optimized to swing the beam sword powerfully and naturally! Adopted RG original arrangement with pterosaur motif!
■The torso can swing on 2 + 1 axes, and the abdomen can be expanded forward to improve compatibility when bending forward. ■We adopt lock mechanism to hip joint. Both deformation and movement are compatible, and it is possible to swing robustly and widely. ■ A wide range of expressions can be added to poses with the movable axis added to the upper part of the wrist and the movable forearm roll. ■Shoulder armor deploys, allowing you to raise your arms while keeping your shoulders in position. It also supports powerful poses that raise the beam sword with both hands. ■Blade follows the movement of the knee and does not interfere with natural kneeling. ■The wing parts are linked with the movement of the wings. The height of the wings can be adjusted by moving the base shaft. ■In MA mode, the corners and mouth can be opened to express facial expressions. ■ A pull-out ball movement is built into the shin to realize the movement of the neck. The movable axis of the thigh creates a flexible neck movement like a pterosaur. ■Advanced MS joint is adopted for the heat rod. Realizes a sharp form like a sword and flexible movement that draws a spiral. ■The cable that connects the beam sword and the mount latch uses a lead wire.
【accessories】 ■ Beam sword × 1 ■ Beam sword holder × 1 ■ Shield x 1 ■ Heat rod × 1 ■ Hand parts × 1 formula ■ Display joint x 2 types (for MS/MA) ■ Lead wire x 1 ■ Realistic decal × 1
HG Scopedog Series Add-On Set Now Available!(Each item sold separately) ※ The base "HG Scopedog" kit is required for use with this product (sold separately). The Journey of Revenge Comes to an End Enhance your...
【Product content】●Assemble color model‧MIORINE REMBRAN※This product does not contain chewing gum
Zuleta Mercury wearing Gundam Caliban appears in the "CHARAMOBI" series of three-dimensional mechanical dolls! Lovely presented to you!
【Product content】●Assemble color model‧Suletta Mercury (Caliban)※This product does not contain chewing gum
PRODUCT OVERVIEW Elrict wearing the modified version of Wind Spirit Gundam appears in the "CHARAMOBI" series! Comes with a dedicated base and a cute design that will make you want to play with Zuleta! 【Product...