The Gundam F90, a prototype mobile suit developed under the "Formula Project" by SNRI, makes its debut in Master Grade! This is the first completely new type for the Hobby Online Shop's Master Grade series. It replicates the hardpoints throughout the body, enabling the interchange of 26 types of mission packs.
- The MG Gundam F90 is fully newly molded, with part separation and colored molding for detailed color division, and high-density detail molding for a heroic style unique to the F90, fully recreated in the latest MG format. - Equipped with abundant gimmicks in various parts. The latest MG format's movement gimmicks are incorporated throughout the body, allowing for expressive posing. - Upper Body: Utilizes a two-axis structure in the frame for flexible forward and backward motion. - Waist: A three-axis frame structure reduces interference and achieves a wide range of motion. - Cockpit Hatch: The hatch opening gimmick allows for the replication of the cockpit hatch in an open state. - The hardpoints on the entire body are replicated to enable the interchange of 26 types of mission packs. The hardpoints on the shoulders, arms, waist, and other parts allow for the attachment of various separately sold mission packs. - Mission Pack Change: Combining with separately sold mission packs allows for the replication of various types. Long-range support specification S-type and the previously veiled E-type can be recreated. - Broad range of motion replicated. The F90 body, which serves as the base for the mission packs, enables bold posing typical of close-combat mobile suits. - Specialized armaments are also modeled, including the F90's beam rifle, shield, and beam saber. - Beam Rifle: The energy pack is detachable and can be attached inside the shield when removed. - Water slide decals are included, featuring original markings. - Delivered in a luxurious full-color package.
Included armaments: Beam Rifle / Shield / Beam Saber
Note: This product includes only one "MG 1/100 Gundam F90" unit. Mission packs are not included.
*This item requires 7–10 days to prepare before it is shipped.
The Gundam F90, a prototype mobile suit developed under the "Formula Project" by SNRI, makes its debut in Master Grade! This is the first completely new type for the Hobby Online Shop's Master Grade series. It replicates the hardpoints throughout the body, enabling the interchange of 26 types of mission packs.
- The MG Gundam F90 is fully newly molded, with part separation and colored molding for detailed color division, and high-density detail molding for a heroic style unique to the F90, fully recreated in the latest MG format. - Equipped with abundant gimmicks in various parts. The latest MG format's movement gimmicks are incorporated throughout the body, allowing for expressive posing. - Upper Body: Utilizes a two-axis structure in the frame for flexible forward and backward motion. - Waist: A three-axis frame structure reduces interference and achieves a wide range of motion. - Cockpit Hatch: The hatch opening gimmick allows for the replication of the cockpit hatch in an open state. - The hardpoints on the entire body are replicated to enable the interchange of 26 types of mission packs. The hardpoints on the shoulders, arms, waist, and other parts allow for the attachment of various separately sold mission packs. - Mission Pack Change: Combining with separately sold mission packs allows for the replication of various types. Long-range support specification S-type and the previously veiled E-type can be recreated. - Broad range of motion replicated. The F90 body, which serves as the base for the mission packs, enables bold posing typical of close-combat mobile suits. - Specialized armaments are also modeled, including the F90's beam rifle, shield, and beam saber. - Beam Rifle: The energy pack is detachable and can be attached inside the shield when removed. - Water slide decals are included, featuring original markings. - Delivered in a luxurious full-color package.
Included armaments: Beam Rifle / Shield / Beam Saber
Note: This product includes only one "MG 1/100 Gundam F90" unit. Mission packs are not included.
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