In "Mobile Suit Pirate Gundam DUST", the "Anchor Gundam" piloted by the protagonist appears in ROBOT Soul! A variety of organs and exaggerated equipment in the original work are faithfully reproduced!
Product contents ・Body ・3 types of replacement wrists, left and right ・Replacement face ・Replacement Thermal Utility Knife ・One type of ax and spear ・Anchor ball type ・Accessories for nail penetration ・Anchor cable
Main material ABS, PVC Product volume Full length: Approximately 145mm Target age 15 years old~
In "Mobile Suit Pirate Gundam DUST", the "Anchor Gundam" piloted by the protagonist appears in ROBOT Soul! A variety of organs and exaggerated equipment in the original work are faithfully reproduced!
Product contents ・Body ・3 types of replacement wrists, left and right ・Replacement face ・Replacement Thermal Utility Knife ・One type of ax and spear ・Anchor ball type ・Accessories for nail penetration ・Anchor cable
Main material ABS, PVC Product volume Full length: Approximately 145mm Target age 15 years old~
The GN-005 Virtue boasts sufficient firepower to annihilate numerically superior forces independently. As close-quarters combat capability is sacrificed for specialization in the use of mid-range assault weaponry, the unit's armor volume is double the standard...
The conversion kit of Bandai 1/100 Gundam Vidar specially adjust the proportion of body and strengthen some mechanical details of the original Bandai products. You can check from the photos for the finished products and...