PRODUCT OVERVIEW The long-awaited Xi Gundam that appeared in Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway is now available as a model from Ka signature! Under the supervision of Hajime Katoki, the sculpting and coloring faithfully capture its...
In commemoration of the movie release of "Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway of the Flash", the main character "Kusui Gundam" and the rival machine "Penelope" have appeared as a set!■ Luxury specifications that include funnel missiles...
- The kit works against New-G Pre-Assembled Plastic Injection Internal Frame #FI-ABS-NGF1-060 ;- The New-G pre-assembled robot frame figure is provided in a separate gift box inside ;- The resin parts of the main body...
Introducing the latest addition to the HGUC line, the Messer (name subject to change), from the "Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash" series! This highly anticipated kit features a unique moveable gimmick inside the fuselage and...
The Xi Gundam from "Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash" is now available as an impressive new HGUC kit from Bandai. Faithfully recreated in 1/144 scale, this model captures the grandeur of the over-26-meter-tall Mobile Suit,...
From Bandai comes a "Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash" kit of a 1/144 scale HG Penelope! The complicated structure of Penelope has been recreated in this kit, using not only highly detailed parts but also...
"Advanced Hazel, update complete"Deploying in Master Grade!!A fully refurbished version of Hazel Unit 2 deployed to the T3 unit1/100 scale Master Grade model Gundam TR-1 [Advanced Hazel] From "ADVANCE OF Z ~Under the Flag of...
PRODUCT OVERVIEW RX-121-3C Gundam TR-1 [Haze’n-thley] is now available from Metal Robot Spirits. We have included plenty of weapons as accessories such as the large composite shield booster, beam rifle, and beam saber. The sub...
The crimson Gundam F90, a prototype mobile suit, was stolen and modified by the Mars Independent Zeon Army, becoming the red Gundam F90 (Mars Independent Zeon Army version) and making its first appearance in the...
Here's a great set that includes snap-fit plastic kits of GN Arms Type E and Gundam Exia in Transam mode! Just when the Celestial Being's Mobile Suits were about to be annihilated by the new...
- Appeared to manipulate the Arche Gundam is awaited Sir Ali Al Shesu!- Shielded spraying particle morphology only GN, a small wing motion reproduction.- Detachable backpack and back to reproduce the form of solo flight...
Nena Trinity's Gundam Throne Drei is now part of Bandai's HG Gundam 00 series, joining her brothers' Gundam Throne Eins and Gundam Throne Zwei as snap-fit plastic kits! This highly detailed kit features polycap joints...
【Product content】●Assemble color model‧MIORINE REMBRAN※This product does not contain chewing gum
Zuleta Mercury wearing Gundam Caliban appears in the "CHARAMOBI" series of three-dimensional mechanical dolls! Lovely presented to you!
【Product content】●Assemble color model‧Suletta Mercury (Caliban)※This product does not contain chewing gum
PRODUCT OVERVIEW Elrict wearing the modified version of Wind Spirit Gundam appears in the "CHARAMOBI" series! Comes with a dedicated base and a cute design that will make you want to play with Zuleta! 【Product...